Formation of the ecological framework of the upper reaches of Psel and Seversky Donets rivers


  • Pavel V. Goleusov Belgorod National Research University
  • Marina A. Polshina Belgorod National Research University
  • Maxim Y. Gnilitsky Belgorod National Research University



river basin, river sources, ecological framework, specially protected natural territories, fragmentation of natural ecosystems


The interfluvial spaces of Central Russian Upland are intensively used in agriculture. Natural ecosystems are highly fragmented and confined mainly to the gully-valley network. The high degree of fragmentation of quasi-natural landscapes determines the search for approaches to the formation of an ecological framework in the upper reaches of river systems, which are most ecologically vulnerable. The purpose of the study was to develop proposals for overcoming the anthropogenic fragmentation of natural geosystems in the upper reaches of the Psel and Seversky Donets rivers on the territory of the Prokhorovsky district of the Belgorod region. The results of the study are in demand in the implementation of the concept "Prokhorovsky District – District Natural Park", initiated by the Government of the Belgorod Region in 2020. The authors propose to use the land of abandoned rural settlements, areas of unproductive arable land, waterlogged land, as nuclear territories – areas of the gully-valley network with preserved zonal ecosystems for the formation of the ecological framework. The formation of eco-corridors is possible by expanding the system of watershed forest belts. The recommended measures will significantly reduce the spatial separation of natural ecosystems, increase the stability of the functioning of agricultural landscapes and support the process of restoration of the river network.


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Author Biographies

Pavel V. Goleusov, Belgorod National Research University

associate professor, Department of Environmental Management and Land Cadastre, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

Marina A. Polshina, Belgorod National Research University

associate professor, Department of Environmental Management and Land Cadastre, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

Maxim Y. Gnilitsky, Belgorod National Research University

student, Department of Nature Management and Land Cadastre, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Goleusov, P. V., Polshina, M. A., & Gnilitsky, M. Y. (2021). Formation of the ecological framework of the upper reaches of Psel and Seversky Donets rivers. Regional Geosystems, 45(1), 95-106.



Earth Sciences