Geoecological assessment of soils in the main areas of viticulture of the Crimean Peninsula


  • Evgeniya Ya Zelenskaya Belgorod National Research University
  • Olga A. Marinina Belgorod National Research University



grape soils, geochemistry, terrior, parent rocks, Crimea


Viticulture is one of the main branches of agriculture on the Crimean Peninsula. The Government of the Russian Federation supported bills aimed at increasing production volumes, as well as improving the quality of grape products. The influence of soil properties and its fertility on the quality of wines determines the important role of ampeloecology, which is based on the results of a comprehensive soil-genetic and biogeochemical study of grape soils. To date, the least studied soil conditions of the Crimea, taking into account the requirements of ampeloecology, there are no clear delimitations of the territory according to the degree of suitability of soils for vineyards. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to establish the biogeochemical characteristics of grape soils in individual regions, which differ in ampeloecological criteria. As a result, the territories of vineyards were identified, which, in terms of the concentration of heavy metals in the soil, exceeded the maximum permissible norms for the following chemical elements: As, Pb, Ni, Cu, V, Cr. At the same time, on all studied soils, there is a deficiency (by more than 30 %) of nutrients (CaO and Na2O) necessary for the growth, flowering and ripening of fruits in the upper soil horizon (A) in relation to horizon B. This can be negative affect the taste of grapes. The results obtained make a certain contribution to the substantiation of the further development of the wine industry on the Crimean peninsula. By optimizing the nutrition of a grape plant on the basis of a specialized set of indicators in the soil-ecological monitoring system, it is possible to achieve an increase and improvement in wine production.


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Author Biographies

Evgeniya Ya Zelenskaya, Belgorod National Research University

post-graduate student of the Department of nature management and land cadastre of the Institute of Earth Sciences Belgorod National Research University;
Belgorod, Russia

Olga A. Marinina, Belgorod National Research University

candidate of Geography Sciences, senior researcher at the federal-regional center of aerospace and land monitoring of objects and natural resources;
Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 355




How to Cite

Zelenskaya, E. Y., & Marinina, O. A. (2021). Geoecological assessment of soils in the main areas of viticulture of the Crimean Peninsula. Regional Geosystems, 45(2), 258-268.



Earth Sciences