Climate influence on the state of the northern part of the spruce-fir subzone of the dark coniferous boreal forests of Sakhalin Island


  • Vyacheslav A. Melkiy Institute Marine Geology and Geophysics, FEB RAS
  • Alexey A. Verkhoturov Institute Marine Geology and Geophysics, FEB RAS
  • Vitaly V. Bratkov Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography



multi-zone satellite images, climate conditions, hydrothermal coefficient, spruce-fir forests, modeling, ArcGIS


The nature of the influence of climatic conditions on the state of the spruce-fir subzone of the dark-coniferous boreal forests of Sakhalin Island is revealed. The results of a study of long-term dynamics of forests based on space surveys and regular observations at the weather stations "Pogibi", "Nogliki", "Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinskiy "Tymovskoe", are presented. The current state of the territory's forest communities was assessed using multi-spectral medium-resolution satellite images of the territory obtained by Landsat satellites. It is established that intensive vegetation development and phytomass growth are caused by heat and moisture availability of the territory, reflected in value of the Selyaninov hydrothermal coefficient (SHC). The analysis of the dynamics of State of forest plant communities made it possible to understand trends of direction their changes, predict certain negative natural phenomena (fires, drying up, etc.). The position of floral borders of study area depends mainly from distribution of hydrothermic coefficient.


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Author Biographies

Vyacheslav A. Melkiy, Institute Marine Geology and Geophysics, FEB RAS

Doctor of Technical, Leading Researcher of the laboratory of Volcanology and volcanic hazard, Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, FEB RAS, Professor of Department Geology and Oil&Gas affairs of the Sakhalin State University,
Yuzhno–Sakhalinsk, Russia

Alexey A. Verkhoturov, Institute Marine Geology and Geophysics, FEB RAS

Ph.D. (Technical Sciences), Senior Researcher of Center for collective use, Institute of marine Geology and Geophysics of the FEB RAS, Associate Professor of Department Geology and Oil&Gas affairs of the Sakhalin State University,
Yuzhno–Sakhalinsk, Russia

Vitaly V. Bratkov, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography

Doctor of Geography, Professor, Head of the Department of Geography, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography,
Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Melkiy, V. A., Verkhoturov, A. A., & Bratkov, V. V. (2021). Climate influence on the state of the northern part of the spruce-fir subzone of the dark coniferous boreal forests of Sakhalin Island. Regional Geosystems, 44(4), 415-431.



Earth Sciences