LULC Dynamics and Carbon Sequestration in Major Iron Ore Regions of Russia and China
Land use/land cover (LULC) dynamics, Carbon sequestration, Iron ore mining regions, Sustainable land managementAbstract
This study examines the dynamics of land use/land cover (LULC) and carbon sequestration in Lebedinsky and Stoylensky mining and processing plants (LGOK and SGOK) located in iron ore regions of Russia and the Anshan-Benxi iron ore region of China from 1985 to 2020. Through spatial analysis and estimation of carbon sequestration by vegetation and its deposition by soils, the impact of mining activities, urban expansion, and ecological restoration efforts on regional land use patterns and carbon sequestration capacities were assessed. The results reveal significant LULC transformations in both regions, primarily driven by mining development and urbanization. In Russia, cropland area decreased by approximately 8 % (640.78 km²), largely replaced by construction land and forest, with forest cover rising from 12.69 % to 16.69 %, indicating effective ecological management. Conversely, in China, stronger development pressures led to a decrease in forest cover from 40.44 % to 36.73 % and an increase in construction land from 5.62 % to 12.51 %. Carbon sequestration analysis revealed contrasting trends: while the total carbon sequestration in the Russian mining regions remained stable, with a slight increase of 3.69 megatons (Mt), the total carbon sequestration in the Chinese mining regions declined significantly by 31.41 Mt, primarily due to reductions in forest and grassland carbon sequestration. These findings underscore the need for sustainable development that balances economic growth and ecological stability in mining regions. Implementing effective strategies such as afforestation, wetland restoration, and adaptive land-use policies is essential to mitigate the environmental impacts of mining and to sustain carbon sequestration. Future policies should prioritize harmonizing industrial growth with environmental conservation to promote sustainable land use in heavily industrialized areas.
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Verburg P.H., Schot P.P., Dijst M.J., Veldkamp A. 2004. Land Use Change Modelling: Current Practice and Research Priorities. GeoJournal, 61(4): 309–324.
Wohlfart C., Mack B., Liu G., Kuenzer C. 2017. Multi-Faceted Land Cover and Land Use Change Analyses in the Yellow River Basin Based on Dense Landsat Time Series: Exemplary Analysis in Mining, Agriculture, Forest, and Urban Areas. Applied Geography, 85: 73–88.
Worlanyo A.S., Jiangfeng L. 2021. Evaluating the Environmental and Economic Impact of Mining for Post-Mined Land Restoration and Land-Use: A Review. Journal of Environmental Management, 279: 111623.
Wu J., Yang J., Ma L., Li Z., Shen X. 2016. A System Analysis of the Development Strategy of Iron Ore in China. Resources Policy, 48: 32–40.
Wu Q., Wang L., Wang T., Chen H., Du P. 2024. Global Versus Local? A Study on the Synergistic Relationship of Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs from Multiple Perspectives Based on Ecological Restoration Zoning of National Land Space – A Case Study of Liaoning Province. Applied Sciences, 14(22): 10421.
Xu Y., Li J., Zhang C., Raval S., Guo L., Yang F. 2024. Dynamics of Carbon Sequestration in Vegetation Affected by Large-Scale Surface Coal Mining and Subsequent Restoration. Scientific Reports, 14: 13479.
Yifter T., Razoumny Yu., Lobanov V. 2022. Deep Transfer Learning of Satellite Imagery for Land Use and Land Cover Classification. Informatics and Automation, 21(5): 963–982.
Zhang X., Liu L., Chen X., Gao Y., Xie S., Mi J. 2021. GLC_FCS30: Global Land Cover Product with Fine Classification System at 30 m Using Time-Series Landsat Imagery. Earth System Science Data, 13(6): 2753–2776.
Zhang Z., Bai Z., He Z., Bao N. 2012. Dynamic Changes of Land Use Type and Carbon Sinks Based RS and GIS in Pingshuo Opencast Coal Mine. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 28(3): 230–236.
Zheng L., Li Y., Chen Y., Wang R., Yan S., Xia C., Zhang B., Shao J. 2024. Driving Model of Land Use Change on the Evolution of Carbon Stock: A Case Study of Chongqing, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 31(3): 4238–4255.
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