Provision of Public Transport Belgorod Agglomeration as the Factor of Sustainable Development


  • Pavel I. Razenkov Belgorod State National Research University
  • Andrey G. Kornilov Belgorod State National Research University



residential area, sustainable development, sprawl, accessibility of public transport, motorization of the urban environment, passenger turnover, transport mobility


The article conducted a study of the city of Belgorod and its suburbs regarding the provision of residential territories with public transport routes. The purpose of the article is to reflect the current situation of public transport in different parts of Belgorod residential area and zoning this residential territory according to the degree of involvement in the city’s route network. The objective of the study is to map public transport routes and compare the number of routes passing through a specific residential area in order to assess the degree of involvement of this area in the city’s route network. The number of routes determines the possibility of moving to different parts of the city and suburbs. Parallels between the sprawl development of the suburbs of American cities and the modern development of the private sector in Belgorod are given. The shortcomings of the formed residential development from the point of view of sustainable development and greening of the settlement are identified. Maps of the route network of the city's public transport have been compiled; the thematic map reflects the intensity of bus traffic on different sections of the road network. An assessment of the influence of population density on the degree of provision of bus routes for citizens is made. The residential area of the city was zoned according to the degree of accessibility by public transport. The size of the population living in conditions of varying degrees of accessibility to public transport has been determined. Territories with a high degree of public transport can be considered more consistent with the concept of sustainable development.  About 23.1 % of the city's population lives with low or below average access to public transport.


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Author Biographies

Pavel I. Razenkov, Belgorod State National Research University

Post-graduate student of the Department of Geography, Geoecology and Life Safety of Institute of Earth Sciences, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Andrey G. Kornilov, Belgorod State National Research University

Professor of the Department of Geography, Geoecology and Life Safety of Institute of Earth Sciences, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 177




How to Cite

Razenkov, P. I., & Kornilov, A. G. (2024). Provision of Public Transport Belgorod Agglomeration as the Factor of Sustainable Development . Regional Geosystems, 48(2), 162-173.



Earth Sciences