The Concept of Land Cover as a Basis for Remote Sensing Monitoring of Land


  • Igor Yu. Savin V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute
  • Elina R. Berezutskaya Peoples' Friendship University of Russia



Land Cover, land monitoring, land cover classification, remote sensing, Landsat, Sentinel-2


Based on the analysis of literature primary sources, a review of the most frequently used definitions and approaches to the classification of land cover objects (Land Cover) is made. It was found that authors often mix the concepts of land cover with the concepts of "vegetation" and "land". The most logical understanding of land cover as a (bio)physical state of the earth's surface. The mixing of land cover objects with vegetation and land use leads to the fact that land cover classifications used in the world also often include objects from the classifications of vegetation, soils, landscapes, and land use. The most logical and detailed is the classification of the world land cover developed under the auspices of FAO in 2000. On the basis of this classification the classification of land cover is proposed taking into account the specifics of the territory of Russia. It is found that combinations of land cover classes are regularly repeated in space. New approaches to the classification of spatial combinations of land cover based on the analysis of contrast and spatial subordination of land cover classes are proposed.

Acknowledgements: The work was carried out within the framework of realization of the most important innovative project of state importance "Development of the system of ground and remote monitoring of carbon pools and greenhouse gas fluxes on the territory of the Russian Federation, provision of creation of the system of accounting data on the fluxes of climatically active substances and carbon budget in forests and other ground ecological systems" (reg. № 123030300031-6).


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Author Biographies

Igor Yu. Savin, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute, Moscow, Russia

Elina R. Berezutskaya, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Postgraduate Student of the Institute of Ecology, Department of Environmental Management, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia


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Abstract views: 105




How to Cite

Savin, I. Y., & Berezutskaya, E. R. (2024). The Concept of Land Cover as a Basis for Remote Sensing Monitoring of Land. Regional Geosystems, 48(1), 77-90.



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