Land Dynamics in Ostrasiev Yars in the Second Half of the 20th – 21st Centuries


  • Pavel A. Ukrainskiy Belgorod National Research University
  • Maria V. Shchekalo State Natural Reserve "Belogorye"
  • Olga A. Marinina Belgorod National Research University



protected areas, land use, remote sensing data, reforestation, bairak forests, post-settlement geosystems


The article describes the dynamics of land use in the Ostrasievy yars site (the Belogorye nature reserve) in the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries. Ostrasiev yars is a forest-steppe ravine that became a protected natural area in 1995. We have little information on the previous history of the Ostrasiev yars, and there are no land use maps. However, based on archival remote sensing data, it is possible to perform a retrospective study of land use. We used three remote sensing images: a 1941 German aerial photograph, a 1970 CORONA satellite image, and a 2010 GeoEye-1 satellite image. The first two time slices refer to the pre-protected period of the development of the territory. These images were georeferenced and vectorized in the ArcGIS 10.5 software. For each time slice, we mapped the boundary of the Ostrasievy yars and the surrounding arable land, as well as areas of steppe and forest vegetation inside the Ostrasyevy yars. Comparison of the mapping results showed that during the study period, the forest area on the site increased three times (from 11 to 34 ha). The spread of woody vegetation began after a decrease in the anthropogenic load due to the disappearance of the nearest settlements. We found three spatial patterns of forest restoration. This is the growth of the forest from the northwestern slope of the beam to the southeastern one, the spread of the forest from the middle part to the upper part, the spread of the forest from the side ravines to the neighboring sections of the slopes. The total area of the Ostrasievy yars ranged from 84-88 ha. It varied depending on the termination or resumption of plowing on the periphery of the site. The results obtained in the study provide a better understanding of the regularities in the spatial organization of the vegetation cover of the Ostrasyevy yars area. They can also be useful for works devoted to predicting the dynamics of self-recovery of woody vegetation in a ravine-gully network under conditions of anthropogenic load removal.

Acknowledgements: This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of State Assignment No. FZWG-2023-0011.


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Author Biographies

Pavel A. Ukrainskiy, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Expert of the Center for Validation and Verification of Carbon Units of the Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Maria V. Shchekalo, State Natural Reserve "Belogorye"

Deputy Director for Research, State Natural Reserve "Belogorye", Belgorod Region, Borisovka, Russia

Olga A. Marinina, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Director of the Center for Validation and Verification of Carbon Units of the Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Ukrainskiy, P. A., Shchekalo, M. V., & Marinina, O. A. (2023). Land Dynamics in Ostrasiev Yars in the Second Half of the 20th – 21st Centuries. Regional Geosystems, 47(3), 429-442.



Earth Sciences