Landscape and Aesthetic Assessment of Parks (on the Example of the City of Cheboksary)
forest park landscapes, forest sustainability, aesthetic assessment of forest park zones, forest visibility, forest clutterAbstract
The article describes the criteria of landscape and aesthetic assessment of forest plantations of park areas of urban areas. Based on the synthesis of existing methods, the criteria of aesthetic attractiveness of the territory of the forest park "Grove of Guzovsky" and the park "Lakreevsky Forest" of Cheboksary are established. The evaluation and ranking of factors affecting aesthetic attractiveness is carried out. Based on the materials of field research, an aesthetic assessment of the objects was carried out. Detailed cartographies on the combined aesthetic appeal of forest park territories have been compiled. The park zone "Grove of Guzovsky" is characterized by the predominance of sites with high aesthetic value, in the park "Lakreevsky Forest" the average aesthetic value of the sites prevails. The analysis of the collected field and cartographic material made it possible to identify the most attractive areas of park areas for further informing the population and optimizing recreation. In conclusion, general recommendations are given to improve the ecological condition and increase aesthetic attractiveness. Recommendations include measures to reduce clutter, loosening of soils, cleaning of household waste; care cabins.
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