Ecological and Hydrogeochemical Features of Groundwater of Geotectonic Zones of the Lipetsk Mining Region
ecology, hydrogeochemistry, feature, underground water, mining, boron, marking, element, modelAbstract
Geotectonic activity of the elements of the earth's crust forms ecological and geochemical anomalies of various qualitative and quantitative nature. As a rule, within the platform areas, tectonic activity manifests itself in the form of fault tectonics. Areas of fault zones are ways of penetration into the surface of the complex of metals and nonmetalloids of deep origin. Their concentration in groundwater forms pathogenic environmental effects. The purpose of this work is to study the ecological and hydrogeochemical features of groundwater, which are confined to the zones of active geotectonic activity within the Lipetsk mining region. The analysis of the main neotectonic structures is presented, the spatial characteristics of fault zones, their place in the relief and the features of the geological structure are given. The significance of these studies is determined by the differentiation of groundwater pollution of natural and man-made nature, formed in the nature of the mining activity within the zones of influence of the mining activity. The research methodology included a set of pre-field works on the allocation of zones of active tectonic activity. It was based on the scheme of neotectonic structures of the Lipetsk region. Boron is designated as a marking element characterized solely by natural origin. Groundwater sampling of the Neogene Quaternary and Devonian aquifer complexes was carried out within the selected zones. The results of the research are systematized in the format of a geoinformation model of ecological and hydrogeochemical anomalies of boron in the Lipetsk region. Their confinement to the centerlines of the areas of dynamic influence of foundation faults, laniaments is revealed. In addition to increased concentrations of boron (up to 15 MPC), significant exceedances of lanthanum (up to 1000 MPC), beryllium (up to 300 MPC), titanium (up to 10 MPC) were noted in groundwater. Maximum exceedances for Devonian aquifer complexes were revealed. When analyzing the zones of influence of mining activities, the presence of boron and the above elements is a marking complex of natural origin.
Acknowledgments. The article was prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, contract №20-55-00010 of 30.04.2020 and the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Basic Research, contract №Х20Р-284 dated 04.05.2020.
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