Soils of Agricultural Terraces on Carbonate Rocks of the Eastern Caucasus
Eastern Caucasus, agricultural terraces, limestone, slope exposure, chemical and biological properties of terracesAbstract
We carried out the study of soil properties of agricultural terraces on carbonate rocks in the mountainous zone of the Eastern Caucasus (Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation). We compared soils on limestone and marl on the slopes of the northern and southern exposures, in different geomorphological conditions (watersheds and hollows). The soils on carbonate rocks have high potential fertility that caused their long-term agricultural development. In result of the long-term plowing is the terraces with a horizontal surface arising, which changed the angle of incidence of sunlight. This led to the arrival of solar radiation on the soils of the slopes of the southern exposure decreased, and the soils of the terraces of the northern slope, on the contrary, began to receive more solar radiation. As a result, there was a kind of convergence of soil properties of slopes of different exposures. This was most noticeable in such chemical indicators as the content of organic carbon and the of cation exchange capacity. There was also a significant convergence of the biological properties of the soils of the northern and southern exposures after terracing. At the same time, the change in the radiation balance did not affect some chemical properties of agricultural terraces: the most clearly noticeable differences are in the content of mobile forms of phosphates (the content of P2O5 in soils on the northern slope exceeds was twice as high). Also, the alkalinity was noticeably higher in the soils on the slopes of the southern exposure. At the same time, we found that in a number of cases, the influence of agricultural technology, as well as modern cattle grazing on the microbiological indicators of the upper horizon of terraced soil was higher than influence of slope exposure.
Chemical and microbiological analyses were carried out with the financial support of RFBR grant No. 19-29-05205 mk. Field work in 2019 was carried out within the framework of State Task No. 0191-2019-0046.
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