Peculiar properties of soil reproduction on fallow lands in various physical and geographical conditions of the Belgorod region


  • Alexander V. Malyshev FSBI «Agrochemical Service Center «Belgorodsky»



natural reproduction of soils, abandoned lands, forest-steppe chernozems, steppe chernozems, physical and chemical properties of soils


The article examines the change in the properties of fallow chernozems on the territory of the Rakityansky and Rovensky districts of the Belgorod region, degraded as a result of anthropogenic activity. These two areas chosen for comparison, because they are located in different physical-geographical and soil-geographical conditions and differ in climate, relief, and erosion potential. At the objects of study in each area, 7 soil profiles were laid. For each section, soil samples were taken from the newly formed (Aupa), underlying horizon (PU), and nearby arable land with similar soil situations, and a detailed description of the soil profile was performed. The morphological features of soil horizons and subhorizons were described, and also indicators of their physical properties were established using field methods. The physical and chemical properties of the objects under study investigated. It found that for all the objects under study, the restored horizon differs from the subsurface and compared arable land in large values of almost all physicochemical properties. Dependences of some physical and chemical properties on the territorial location of objects established. For example, for such indicators as the humus content, the cation exchange capacity, the degree of acidity (pH), the ratio of carbon and nitrogen content (C/N), the belonging of the sections to the eastern or western part of the region plays a significant role and affects the indicators. For hydrolyzable and bulk nitrogen, labile humus, phosphorus and potassium, no noticeable differences are observed. Thus, this study confirms the possibility of using natural mechanisms of soil reproduction applicable to the territory of the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the Belgorod region.


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Author Biography

Alexander V. Malyshev, FSBI «Agrochemical Service Center «Belgorodsky»

software engineer, Agro-chemical Service Center «Belgorodsky»,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Malyshev, A. V. (2021). Peculiar properties of soil reproduction on fallow lands in various physical and geographical conditions of the Belgorod region. Regional Geosystems, 45(1), 40-50.



Earth Sciences