Assessment of the current state of the lakes in the lower reaches of the Indigirka River


  • Sardana N. Levina M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
  • Paraskovia V. Davydova M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
  • Izabella A. Baisheva M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University



lake, morphometric parameters, diatoms, saprobity, tundra, taiga


The North-East of Yakutia is a region with a large number of lakes that react quite strongly to external environmental changes and are a large reservoir of fresh water reserves, however, the Arctic aquatic ecosystems are still poorly studied. The study of the morphometric and hydrochemical characteristics of lakes will provide new information about the state of water bodies and its influence on the vital activity of one of the most sensitive groups of hydrobionts-diatoms. According to the origin of the basins, the lakes are watererosion, erosion-thermokarst, thermokarst and glacial. The bulk of lakes has very small and shallow depths, the shapes of the basins are nearly rounded (64 %). The water bodies are characterized by size groups from small lakes to medium-sized lakes according to the size of the water surface. The largest water bodies are unique lakes - Suturuokha and Ozhogino. Water of the studied water bodies is ultra-fresh, soft, hydrogen index varies in a wide range: from acidic to alkaline values. 257 species were registered in the diatom flora of the lakes (including 4 species) belonging to 75 genera, 30 families and 3 classes. 11 species were recorded as new for the flora of Yakutia. The share of rare species is 12 %. A comparative analysis according to the number of diatom shells has revealed a relatively stable structure with absolute dominance of benthic forms. There were observed the ubiquitous predominance of salinity indifferents and alkaliphiles preferring a slightly alkaline environment. The structure of diatoms algae complexes indicates the relatively small depth and size of the studied lakes, whose water is characterized by an increased hydrogen index and low mineralization. The calculated values of the saprobity index allow us to classify the waters of the lakes of the subarctic territories and the northern taiga as category clean lakes, and the waters of the lakes of the forest-tundra as moderately polluted. For the first time, the authors collected and compiled a unified database of reservoirs of the Indigirka River basin and assessed the level of pollution of the ecosystems of the river reservoirs using diatom analysis. The results of the study can be used as data on the current state of natural reservoirs for the purposes of background environmental monitoring, as well as for information support of stakeholders in the implementation of economic and water management measures in the territory of the Indigirka River basin.


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Author Biographies

Sardana N. Levina, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

researcher of the Institute of Natural Sciences of the Ecological and Geographical Department, Russian-German Laboratory BIOM of the M.K. Ammosov of North-Eastern Federal University, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
Yakutsk, Russia

Paraskovia V. Davydova, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

post-graduate student, junior researcher at the Institute of Natural Sciences of the Ecological and Geographical Department, Russian-German Laboratory BIOM of the M.K. Ammosov of North-Eastern Federal University, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
Yakutsk, Russia

Izabella A. Baisheva, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

post-graduate student, leading engineer of the Institute of Natural Sciences of the Environmental and Geographical Department, Russian-German laboratory BIOM of the M.K. Ammosov of North-Eastern Federal University, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
Yakutsk, Russia


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How to Cite

Levina, S. N., Davydova, P. V., & Baisheva, I. A. (2021). Assessment of the current state of the lakes in the lower reaches of the Indigirka River. Regional Geosystems, 45(2), 168-182.



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