Development of Russian cities after the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Boris I. Kochurov Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Eleonora A. Blinova Priokskoe Interregional Department of the Federal Service for supervision in the field of nature management
  • Irina V. Ivashkina The Genplan Institute of Moscow



pandemic COVID-19, technologies, urban-ecological diagnostics, urban environment, noospheric development, artificial intelligence


The coronavirus pandemic has clearly raised the question of the adaptation and self-sufficiency of our cities in conditions of the spread of the danger viruses. Despite the increase in publications on this issue, there is little work on an integrated approach to assessing the vulnerability and adaptation of our cities to external and internal shocks and threats. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to predict the development of cities after the coronavirus pandemic. The research was carried out on the basis of a comprehensive analysis in the field of geoecology, economic and social geography, urban ecology and urban planning and ideas about the city as a complex system – the urban ecosystem. Methods of systematic and comparative analysis, modelling and expert assessments were used. A review of publications on COVID-19 showed that just one year, the pandemic caused damage to the economy and the lifestyles of the city population, which is not comparable to financial and economic crises, natural disasters, military and geopolitical conflicts. The failure of the modern urban planning policy of cities and the concept of spatial development of the regions of the country became obvious. According to the authors, it is necessary to create ecological and urban planning structures, disperse and abandon the compaction of development on the basis of the principles of a green and smart city with the wide use of information technologies that contribute to the safe living of the population. The obtained results expand the possibilities of developing new scientific directions in the study of urbogeoecosystems – urboecodiagnostics, covid urban planning and environmental-urban planning and design.


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Author Biographies

Boris I. Kochurov, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences

Professor, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Department of Physical Geography and Environmental Problems

Eleonora A. Blinova, Priokskoe Interregional Department of the Federal Service for supervision in the field of nature management

Candidate of Sciences in Biology, Leading specialist-expert of the department of licensing activities in the Ryazan region

Irina V. Ivashkina, The Genplan Institute of Moscow

Candidate of Sciences in Geography, Нead of sector of Environmental Protection Department


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How to Cite

Kochurov, B. I., Blinova, E. A., & Ivashkina, I. V. (2021). Development of Russian cities after the COVID-19 pandemic. Regional Geosystems, 45(2), 183-193.



Earth Sciences