On change of calculation of time in the region of European Russia (on the example of the Chuvash Republic)


  • Yury R. Arkhipov Chuvash State University
  • Inna V. Nikonorova Chuvash State University
  • Nikolay A. Kazakov Chuvash State University
  • Natalia G. Karaganova Chuvash State University




Chuvash Republic, time calculation optimization, time zone, true noon,, local time, changing of wakeful periods, loss and energy saving


Reform of time zones in Russian Federation in 2011–2014 is ambiguously perceived in the regions to this day. The article discusses the prerequisites and consequences of changing the time zone from MSC to MSC + 1 using the example of the Chuvash Republic – a region located in the east of the European territory of Russia (ETR). The question of the transition of Chuvashia from second to the third time zone remains open. The authors analyze the geographical, physiological factors and the current socio-economic situation in the Chuvash Republic and neighboring regions, as well as possible changes in the aspect of the impact of changing the time zone. The article calculates the predicted losses and increments of daylight hours in the winter and summer periods, as a result, losses or energy savings, especially for the education sector. An attempt is made to compare the dynamics of traffic accidents and street crimes in terms of the impact of changing the time zone and compare it with the results in the neighboring regions of the ETR. The results of this article can be used by state authorities, as well as by other persons in making decisions related to management in the region. The ETR regions, which have moved into the MSC + 1 zone, have received some positive advantages. However, for Chuvashia it is impossible to draw such unambiguous conclusions.


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Author Biographies

Yury R. Arkhipov, Chuvash State University

professor, doctor of geograph-ical Sciences, head of the Department of economic and social geography of Chu-Vash state University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary, Russia

Inna V. Nikonorova, Chuvash State University

associate Professor, candi-date of geographical Sciences, head of the Depart-ment of physical geography and geomorphology of the I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash state University named after I. N. Ulyanov,, Cheboksary, Russia

Nikolay A. Kazakov, Chuvash State University

candidate of geographical Sciences, associate Professor, Deputy head of the Department of economic and social geography, Deputy Dean of the faculty of history and geogra-phy of the Chuvash state University named after I. N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary, Russia

Natalia G. Karaganova, Chuvash State University

senior lecturer at the De-partment of environmental management and Geoe-cology of the I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash state Univer-sity, Cheboksary, Russia


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How to Cite

Arkhipov, Y. R., Nikonorova, I. V., Kazakov, N. A., & Karaganova, N. G. (2020). On change of calculation of time in the region of European Russia (on the example of the Chuvash Republic). Regional Geosystems, 44(1), 41-54. https://doi.org/10.18413/2712-7443-2020-44-1-41-54



Earth Sciences