Estimation of complexity of the landscape organization and the sustainability of landscapes of the protected zones of islands of the Eugenie Archipelago (Peter the Great Gulf, Sea of Japan)


  • Ruslan V. Borisov Pacific Geographical Institute FEB RAS



Russky, Shkot, Popov, Reyneke, Rikord, islands, protected zones, landscapes, landscape diversity, sustainability of landscapes


The Eugenie Archipelago is part of the Vladivostok urban district. The development of the islands of the archipelago is given special attention at the regional and federal levels, as evidenced by large-scale construction work and the existence of development plans. For the sustainable development of the territory of the islands, the implementation of the plans should be carried out taking into account the analysis of complexity of the landscape organization and the functioning of geosystems. Particular attention should be paid to the protected zones of the islands allocated in accordance with the regulatory legal documents, for which there are legislative restrictions on the economic use. The work investigated the features of the landscape organization of the islands, analyzed the territorial structure of protected zones, processed remote sensing data, analyzed the landscape structure, calculated indicators of complexity of the landscape structure and the landscape diversity, and analyzed geoinformation databases on the sustainability of landscapes created at the Information and Cartographic Center of the Pacific Geographical Institute FEB RAS. As a result, it was found that the protected zones of the islands have slight differences from the unprotected territory in terms of the degree of landscape stability. At the same time, the analysis of landscape complexity and landscape diversity indicators determines the territory of the protected zones of the islands as the most complex and heterogeneous in terms of the landscape organization in comparison with the unprotected territory of the archipelago.


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Author Biography

Ruslan V. Borisov, Pacific Geographical Institute FEB RAS

Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Transformation of Contact Geosystems


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Abstract views: 310




How to Cite

Borisov, R. V. (2021). Estimation of complexity of the landscape organization and the sustainability of landscapes of the protected zones of islands of the Eugenie Archipelago (Peter the Great Gulf, Sea of Japan). Regional Geosystems, 45(2), 144-154.



Earth Sciences