The role of post-settlement geosystems in restoring the connectivity of ecological networks
ecological networks, post-settlement geosystems, fragmentation of ecosystems, ecological renaturation, Belgorod region, refugia, ecological compensationAbstract
The article discusses the phenomenon of restoration of the connectivity of natural ecosystems, disturbed in the past by settlement impact and maintenance of subsidiary farming. In the Belgorod region, abandoned rural settlements occupy an important environmental position: in the upper reaches of rivers. After being thrown, post-settlement geosystems are in the mode of ecological renaturation. Their ecotopes are attractive as refugia for wild species; they undergo successional changes aimed at the formation of communities of the zonal type. In this case, the forest direction of successions prevails. As a consequence, they contribute to the bridging of the “gaps” in ecological networks. Using geoinformation technologies, it has been shown that natural tracts formed on the site of abandoned settlements have less fragmentation compared to the agrarian and residential transformed landscape. Small areas are shrinking, and the average size of natural complexes increases. This fact justifies the possibility of using these territories as zones of environmental compensation. The studied phenomenon justifies the possibility of using these territories as zones of environmental compensation. In the structure of the ecological framework of the territory, post-settlement geosystems can be considered as renaturation elements.
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