Regional features of lithological genesis of landscapes of the Central Chernozems region

the research was conducted with the financial support of the RFBR (project 19-45-360005 r_a)


  • Vladimir B. Mihno Voronezh State University
  • Ol'ga P. Bykovskaya Voronezh State University
  • Anatoliy S. Gorbunov Voronezh State University



landscape genesis, lithological genesis of landscapes, lithogenic basis, lithogenic landscapes, classification, landscape differentiation, Central Chernozems Region


The lithological genesis of landscapes plays an important role in the formation, transformation and differentiation of landscapes. The purpose of the study is to analyze the role of the lithogenic basis in formation of landscapes of the Central Chernozemic Region. The major factor in formation of the lithogenic basis is a process of lithogenesis. It’s associated with marine transgressions, cover glaciations, river activity and physical and chemical weathering. The carbonate and silicate types of lithological genesis of landscapes is substantiated. Its specificity and spatial differentiation are shown. The main morphological types of landscapes with different lithogenic basis are mapped. The area of landscapes with clay-loamy, sandy, chalky, limestone and sandstone have been established. The dominant influence of the silicate type of lithological genesis of landscapes in the formation of the region's geosystems is shown (the proportion of landscapes with clay-loamy and sandy lithogenic base is 93.3 %). The structural genetic organization of the lithogenic basis of landscapes is considered, and the classification of its structural elements is created. The division, classes, types, orders, variants and species of lithogenic basis of landscapes are identified. Some features of the formation of regional and typological landscapes with various physical, mechanical and chemical properties of rocks are shown. The attention is focused on the major role of the lithogenic base in the formation of landscape diversity and the maintenance of the optimal landscape-ecological condition. This is important in solving problems to nature management in the Central Chernozemic Region.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir B. Mihno, Voronezh State University

professor, doctor of geo-graphical Sciences, Professor of the Department of physical geography and landscape optimization, Voronezh state University, Voronezh, Russia

Ol'ga P. Bykovskaya, Voronezh State University

associate Professor, candi-date of geographical Sciences, head of the Depart-ment of physical geography and landscape optimi-zation of Voronezh state University, Voronezh, Russia

Anatoliy S. Gorbunov, Voronezh State University

candidate of geographical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of physical geography and landscape optimization of Voronezh state University, Voronezh, Russia


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How to Cite

Mihno, V. B., Bykovskaya, O. P., & Gorbunov, A. S. (2020). Regional features of lithological genesis of landscapes of the Central Chernozems region: the research was conducted with the financial support of the RFBR (project 19-45-360005 r_a). Regional Geosystems, 44(1), 29-40.



Earth Sciences