Using archival spatial data in the analysis of land use history of the territory of Bulgarian settlements in the PreVolga of Tatarstan
historical maps, general surveying plans, remote sensing data, land use structure, medieval settlements, anthropogenic impactAbstract
Historical cartography continues its development in modern Russia. Many recent studies of historical cartography do not always fully fit into the historiographical review. The purpose of the present study is to assess the dynamics of land structure on the territory of the medieval settlement of Volga Bulgaria over a 200-year period. The task of estimating the anthropogenic impact on medieval fortified settlements is being solved based on the results of the study of land structure dynamics for 200-year period within the territory of 9 medieval fortified settlements of Volga Bulgaria. The general surveying plans of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries and Landsat 8 images for the snow-free period 2015–2018 were used as a source of information about land use. Based on the results of archival plans verification and automated space images interpretation the areas and percentage of different types of land use within the 10×10 km buffer zone was calculated. As a result, new data about land use structure and dynamics near cultural heritage objects was obtained, allowing to assess the anthropogenic impact on the considered territory and to estimate the risk of their destruction. A conclusion can be made that historical maps and modern remote sensing data are a valuable source of data allowing qualitative and quantitative analysis of land use structure near cultural heritage monuments. Their combined use, however, is difficult because of their incomparability in scale, detail and quality.
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