Features of protection and state registration of objects of archaeological heritage in the Belgorod region
objects of archaeological heritage, protection zones, borders of territories, special conditions of land use, protection of archaeological heritageAbstract
Carrying out measures for the cadastral registration of archaeological heritage sites is difficult due to the current procedure for entering information about archaeological monuments into the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). The problems associated with the need to improve cadastral registration and registration of rights to land plots on which objects of historical and cultural significance are located have not yet been resolved. The aim of the work was to critically analyze the current practice of including information in the Unified State Register of Capital Construction Objects and in the USRN and to propose options for measures to ensure the safety of archaeological monuments. The results of this study, where the territory of the Belgorod region was used as an example, showed that improving measures to establish protected zones and territories of archaeological heritage sites and increasing the availability of information about them will be an effective tool for preserving archaeological complexes, and, as a result, for historical study of the territory. Proposals for the inclusion of protected zones, within the boundaries of which archaeological monuments are located, in the territorial planning documents of all levels were substantiated.
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