Influence of geographical factors on forming the average monthly wage and employment of the population in municipalities of the federal territorial units in the south of the Far East


  • Evgeniy A. Ushakov Pacific Geographical Institute FEB RAS



average monthly wage, number of employees, economic activity, geographical factors, federal territorial units in the South of the Far East


The article examines the issues associated with important characteristics of the development of the social sphere, which reflects not only the state of an economy, but also the quality of life of the population, the size of the average monthly wage and the structure of the employed population in municipalities. The object of the study is the municipalities of the federal territorial units in the South of the Far East. The main goal of the work is a territorial analysis of the living standards of the population using the example of data from two statistical indicators. An explanation is given for the territorial differences of these indicators and the geographical factors influencing this process are indicated. A special coefficient to reveal the relationship between the size of the average monthly wage and the average number of employees, taking into account the different cost of living in the territorial units, has been proposed. The geographic factors influencing the value of the coefficient were defined, and the reasons for the inequality of municipalities by this indicator were represented. The special position of such municipalities as administrative centers of the federal territorial units was noted. The differences in the dynamics of the calculated values of the coefficient for all types of municipalities, from administrative centers to rural areas were shown. Changes in the values of the coefficient and features of its dynamics in municipalities, caused by the influence of all-Russian socio-economic processes, were considered as well.


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Author Biography

Evgeniy A. Ushakov, Pacific Geographical Institute FEB RAS

Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Territorial and Economic Structures of the Pacific Institute of Geography of Far East Branch Russian Academy of Sciences,
Vladivostok, Russia


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How to Cite

Ushakov, E. A. (2021). Influence of geographical factors on forming the average monthly wage and employment of the population in municipalities of the federal territorial units in the south of the Far East. Regional Geosystems, 44(4), 363-374.



Earth Sciences