Improving land management (on the example of the Arkharinsky district of the Amur region)
land resources, land management, agricultural land, far Eastern hectare, efficiency, rentAbstract
The issue of effective land management is considered as an element of the region's sustainable development strategy. The current state of land use in the studied Arkharinsky district is studied. The main problems that have a negative impact on land management in the municipality under study are identified. The calculation of the coefficient of efficiency of management of land resources, the effectiveness of spending and funding for land cadastre and land survey, determined the complete financing of cadastre and land surveying work. Measures aimed at solving the identified problems are proposed. The effectiveness of land management can be improved in the following ways: by reducing the duration of activities; by
increasing the productivity of employees by reducing the loss of working time; by improving the quality of management decisions; by rationalizing document flow, automating information processing; improving management efficiency by more complete and timely collection and analysis of information on projects; creating opportunities for maneuvering financial resources. The issue of effective land management is considered as an element of the region's sustainable development strategy. The current state of land use in the studied Arkharinsky district is studied. The main problems that have a negative impact on land management in the municipality under study are identified. The calculation of the coefficient of efficiency of management of land resources, the effectiveness of spending and funding for land cadastre and land survey, determined the complete financing of cadastre and land surveying work. Measures aimed at solving the identified problems are proposed. The effectiveness of land management can be improved in the following ways: by reducing the duration of activities; by increasing the productivity of employees by reducing the loss of working time; by improving the quality of management decisions; by rationalizing document flow, automating information processing; improving management efficiency by more complete
and timely collection and analysis of information on projects; creating opportunities for maneuvering financial resources. This study has established that the system of land management measures is an effective tool in the field of land management.
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