The role of oil production in the acceleration of soil erosion in the steppe agricultural landscapes
The study was supported by RFBR grant No.20-05-00122А (No.АААА-А20- 120011390069-6) and under the theme of state assignment of IS UrB RAS No.АААА-А17-117012610022- 5 (Goszadanie).
steppe zone, agricultural landscapes, oil production, soil erosion, intensification of gully formation, Volga-Ural regionAbstract
Against the background of prerequisites for the emergence of a global shortage of food resources, the most important task is a comprehensive assessment of the interaction of agricultural production and parallel industrial activities, such as oil and gas production. Among the main factors of technogenic destabilization of landscapes, which can contribute to the loss of productive agricultural land, can be identified soil erosion. The purpose of the study was to analyze the contribution of oil production to the development of erosion processes in mainly agricultural landscapes of the Volga-Ural steppe region. The
analysis of the development of the erosion network was performed at three key plots using Landsat satellite images. Digitization, mapping and classification of erosion network objects were performed for three time sections-1985, 2000, 2019. According to morphometric features, elements of the erosion network are classified into two classes: gullies and hollows. The activity of erosion processes was estimated by zoning based on the density of spatial distribution of elements of the erosion network. It was found that the catalyst for the intensification of soil erosion is the functioning of oil fields, mainly at the stage of maximum technogenic load – during this period, the total length of the erosion network elements can increase by more than 4 times. Agricultural land located in the zone of influence of the oil field is subject to an increased risk of development of new and activation of existing elements of the erosion network – the activity of gully formation can increase by more than 20 %.
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