Formation of a Network for Monitoring the Impact of Reindeer Herding on the Environment of the Yamal Peninsula


  • Margarita K. Skritskaya Tyumen State University
  • Yuriy V. Petrov Tyumen State University



traditional nature management


The article is focused on traditional nature management as a factor of environmental impact exemplified by reindeer herding on the Yamal Peninsula. The study is aimed at developing recommendations on monitoring the impact of traditional nature management on the Yamal environment. The authors analyze the consequences of reindeer herding transformation from an ecologically balanced industry to an agrarian and commercial one, and describe the peninsula as an area where traditional nature management exerts large-scale environmental influence. The paper contains an analysis of methodological and organizational factors determining the formation of a network for monitoring the environmental impact of traditional nature management on the Yamal Peninsula. The results of applying contemporary methods and remote sensing of Earth are shown. Geoinformational and cartographic methods, chronological and chorological analysis were used in the research. The findings allow to provide recommendations on monitoring the environmental impact of traditional nature management, requiring that the monitoring network should include monitoring stations (deer population number monitoring and control), licensed areas (local environmental monitoring), and protected areas (monitoring of the state of natural complexes and vegetation). Due to the large size and inaccessibility of the area under study, monitoring methods based on remote sensing data are recommended for use.


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Author Biographies

Margarita K. Skritskaya, Tyumen State University

Bachelor of Science, Department of Geoecology and Nature Management, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia


Yuriy V. Petrov, Tyumen State University

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Geoecology and Nature Management, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia



Abstract views: 32




How to Cite

Skritskaya, M. K., & Petrov, Y. V. (2025). Formation of a Network for Monitoring the Impact of Reindeer Herding on the Environment of the Yamal Peninsula. Regional Geosystems, 48(4), 604-615.



Earth Sciences