Restrictions for the development of sanatorium-resort activities of the Perm region
resort medicine, spa complex, crisis management, digitalization, development restrictions, treatment profilesAbstract
Resort medicine has traditionally been an important element of the country's health care system, and the transformation of the management system in market conditions has negatively affected the financial and economic stability of health resorts. The main problem is the growing demand for health and Wellness services from the population, the state and the economy as a whole, which is limited by insufficiently effective mechanisms for supporting the health resort complex, and the unprofitability of many enterprises. The scientific papers do not sufficiently present the directions and technologies of resort medicine
adaptation to market conditions, since the limiting factors did not receive the necessary expert assessment by specialists and managers of industry enterprises and resorts. The purpose of this study is to determine the limiting factors that prevent the optimal functioning of the health resort complex of the Perm region and the achievement of strategic goals for the formation of the market for health and Wellness services in the region. The results were obtained on the basis of an expert assessment of the financial and economic state of the health resort complex of the studied subject of the country. The long-term development goals of the Perm region, the final goals of the reorganization of the resort and recreation complex are considered. Weaknesses and limitations in the development of the Spa complex are revealed. The issues related to the change in the number of resort organizations, the steady growth of health-improving activities, the change of owners of organizations, and the dynamics of the tourist flow are considered. The main problems and limitations of sustainable growth of resort medicine due to financial, economic and market trends in the development of specialized health resorts in the region are identified. The assessment of expert recommendations on the elimination of factors that hinder the development of medical and healthimproving activities of the subject of the Russian Federation was carried out. The contribution to science consists in a rational assessment of limiting factors, which makes it possible to develop a system of measures at various levels of management to overcome them and improve the financial and economic indicators of the health resort complex of the Perm region. The results of the study can be adapted for programs of sanatorium treatment and effective social policy of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
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