Features of the Ecological Framework Formation in Balashikha Urban District, Moscow Oblast


  • Dmitry G. Podrubny State University of Land Use Planning
  • Artem P. Kulakov Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS




ecological framework, green infrastructure, anthropogenic load, geoecological assessment, Moscow Oblast, Balashikha, Zheleznodorozhny


The purpose of the study is to identify the ecological framework of Balashikha urban district in Moscow Oblast, its key elements, and the geoecological features of its formation at the present stage. The research materials were studies of Balashikha’s green infrastructure from 2021 to 2023, the master plan of Balashikha urban district, and current data from remote sensing of the Earth. The methods and approaches of point-rating assessment system, and basic cartographic methods were used. As the result of the study, the geoecological conditions of the ecological framework formation in Balashikha urban district were assessed, the state of its key elements was revealed, and a schematic map reflecting these findings was constructed. It was found that the key elements of the ecological framework of Balashikha urban district are mainly located in "tense" geoecological conditions. Natural and recreational areas of the Pekhorka and Chernaya Rivers are among the key elements that have the greatest negative impact. These corridors are unsustainable due to construction and improvement works. The ecological cores of the framework are under the threat of fragmentation. To protect them, a network of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of regional and local significance is necessary. In rural areas, the amount of natural and recreational areas is decreasing due to new dacha and cottage development. As local ecological corridors and wedges occupied by park areas are under a high recreational load, there is a need to design new green areas in a number of densely populated microdistricts.


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Author Biographies

Dmitry G. Podrubny, State University of Land Use Planning

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management, State University of Land Use Planning, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: dmitrypodrubny@gmail.com

Artem P. Kulakov, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS

Junior Researcher, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia

E-mail: bomberos@inbox.ru


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How to Cite

Podrubny, D. G., & Kulakov, A. P. (2025). Features of the Ecological Framework Formation in Balashikha Urban District, Moscow Oblast. Regional Geosystems, 48(4), 591-603. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-7443-2024-48-4-591-603



Earth Sciences