Analysis of Primary Health Care Availability for the Rural Population of the Chuvash Republic
primary health care, municipal district, health care provision, geographical accessibility of health care, assessment of health care accessibility, Chuvash RepublicAbstract
The article analyzes the availability of primary healthcare services in health districts of the Chuvash Republic in 2019. This study includes an analysis of the medical personnel staffing and the territorial (geographical) accessibility of medical institutions providing primary healthcare services to the population of the republic. The indicators were formed into matrices, which were subsequently added together, and the comprehensive availability of primary health care was calculated. Staffing availability was calculated based on the number of workers and the morbidity rate, the latter allowing to estimate probable workload of healthcare specialists. Territorial accessibility takes into account the quality of the road surface. This indicator is calculated by looking at the average speed of vehicles on the roads that connect the service centers. The number of people assigned to health districts was obtained directly from central district hospitals of the republic.
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