Natural Afforestation of Postagrogenic Lands in the South of the Central Russian Upland


  • Edgar A. Terekhin Belgorod State National Research University



abandoned agricultural lands, natural afforestation, time series, Central Russian Upland, Sentinel-2


The article explores types of postagrogenic lands in the south of the Central Russian Upland, differing in natural afforestation. Four land categories are distinguished according to this feature: with areas of closed forest; with numerous isolated trees; with rare isolated trees; without forest vegetation. The abandoned lands with isolated trees and without closed forest vegetation are characterized by the absence of a statistically significant trend in the long-term dynamics of the NDVI vegetation index. Abandoned farmlands with areas of closed forest have a trend, but its statistical significance is close to the threshold value. The distribution of forest vegetation on abandoned agricultural lands is manifested in the spectral reflectance of visible, near and short-wave infrared ranges derived from Sentinel-2 data. However, the types of abandoned agricultural lands without closed forest do not display any statistically significant difference from each other in any spectral range. Statistically significant differences start to appear simultaneously with the formation of such areas, when forest cover of individual land reaches 27–30 %. The appearance of numerous isolated trees in the absence of a continuous tree cover does not lead to the formation of statistically significant differences in the spectral reflectance measured using Sentinel-2 data from lands without tree vegetation.

Acknowledgements: This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of State Assignment No. FZWG-2023-0011


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Author Biography

Edgar A. Terekhin, Belgorod State National Research University

PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resources and Land Cadastre



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How to Cite

Terekhin, E. A. (2024). Natural Afforestation of Postagrogenic Lands in the South of the Central Russian Upland. Regional Geosystems, 48(3), 405-415.



Earth Sciences