Relocation of Russian Legal Companies in 2016–2023


  • Pavel O. Syomin Perm State University



companies migration, relocation, small and medium-sized businesses, legal companies, legal service, service geography, data analysis, open data, FTS of Russia


The paper features the results of analysis of relocation of Russian legal companies in 2016–23. Relocation, or migration, here is defined as a change in legal address of a company. The research is based on open data published by Federal Tax Service of Russia that has been processed to make a panel geo-referenced tabular dataset. Descriptive statistics, exact Fisher’s test, data visualization, and mapping are used as methods. It is found that relocation of legal companies is relatively a rare phenomenon. Typically, businesses move to a short distance (10–50 km), and two thirds of all the migrations are intra-regional, i.e. within the constituent entity of Russia. Small companies are more likely to relocate compared to microbusinesses. The spatial patterns and migration flows are diverse and have few remarkable tendencies. Moscow city has the top decline in the number of legal companies, while Moscow region (oblast) has gained the largest number of businesses. The flows from or to the center are almost equal if measured by the number of companies or employees. However, if estimated by the total revenue, the migration from the periphery to the center dominates.


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Author Biography

Pavel O. Syomin, Perm State University

PhD Student of the Department of Social and Economic Geography, Perm State University, Perm, Russia


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Abstract views: 140




How to Cite

Syomin, P. O. (2024). Relocation of Russian Legal Companies in 2016–2023. Regional Geosystems, 48(2), 135-148.



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