Mathematical modeling of soil erosion factors on agricultural lands (on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan)


  • Alina O. Avvakumova Kazan (Volga region) Federal University



soil erosion, soil map, topography, soil type, Generalized Linear Model, The Republic of Tatarstan


The study of the soil erosion process and its determining factors is of particular importance nowadays, in conditions of an increasing anthropogenic pressure. The article describes mathematical models of soil erosion and its development, created with the aim of a detailed analysis of the main soil erosion factors contribution (topography, soil types and particle size distribution) using large-scale soil and topographic maps. The main feature of the suggested models is that they are based on qualitative data (soil erosion categories determined by large-scale soil maps). The modeling areas of agricultural lands were determined by remote sensing data. The analysis of the models coefficients allowed to single out the most common combination of conditions conducive to the development of soil erosion processes on agricultural land within the study area (The Republic of Tatarstan). The study in prospect gives an opportunity to contain zoning of the territory according to the probability of erosion processes development. It was found that the probability of soil erosion, as well as its intensification, increases with the following indicators: slope, specific catchment area, as well as a number of derived indices (convergence-divergence flow index, profile curvature and LS-factor).


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Author Biography

Alina O. Avvakumova, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

assistant of the Depart-ment of landscape ecology, Institute of ecology and nature management, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia


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How to Cite

Avvakumova, A. O. (2020). Mathematical modeling of soil erosion factors on agricultural lands (on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan). Regional Geosystems, 44(1), 5-15.



Earth Sciences