Ensuring Ecological Safety and Rational Use of Nature in Transboundary Regions
transborderness, transborder regions, transborder space, borders, applicative cores of transbordernessAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of transborderness with the study of the boundaries and structure of transboundary space. It is shown that the phenomenon of transborderness on both sides of the state border forms zones of interaction with the dominance of natural, economic, sociocultural, ethnic, environmental, geoecological, innovative, technological and other processes. Transboundary processes, with a certain maturity of the transboundary region, can dominate the region. A typification of processes occurring in transboundary regions is proposed, as well as an indicator of the presence of a functioning transboundary region, signs of the border nature of a transboundary process gradient, processes occurring in transboundary regions, including for coherent processes, and a classification of boundaries is given. At the same time, it is proposed to distinguish the boundaries of transboundary regions by changing the gradient of the transboundary process to a minimum (often zero) value. It is shown that initially in a natural transboundary region several processes are formed conditionally simultaneously and its boundaries are polystructural. A typification of the boundaries of transboundary regions is given. The formation of types of structures of transboundary space is considered, and the identification of applicative cores of transborderness is substantiated. Applicative kernels of transborderness can increase the potential of a border region, or they can reduce it. On the example of the Chelyabinsk region as a part of the transboundary region of Kazakhstan - Russian Federation, the applicative cores of transborderness are identified for the first time. It is advisable to use the proposed approach in relation to solving problems of increasing environmental safety and rational use of natural resources. The parameters for mapping with subsequent identification of the boundaries and cores of transboundary processes are proposed.
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