The GIS modelling of the basic stages of development of the Eastern Siberia’s south permafrost and glaciers geosystems
permafrost, modern glaciations, mountain areas, Eastern Siberia’s south, Baikal region, mappingAbstract
The main stages of the development of Eastern Siberia’s south nival-glacial landscapes in connection with climate change were studied and modeled. Materials are presented on the mapping of permafrost and glacial geosystems in the Eastern Siberia’s south and the creation of relevant databases. The state of permafrost and glaciation over different time periods is considered. Analysis of data of different temporal states showed the dynamics of the basic stages of development of permafrost and glacial systems in the region with a general tendency to reduce their area. High-resolution surveys (0.6–2.5 m) of EROS, Quick Bird, and Aster help clarify the boundaries of nival-glacial formations, the degree of reservation by surface moraines, the type of formation, morphological structure, and other object’s characteristics. The degree of degradation of nival-glacial formations was determined with the refinement of the coordinates of their centers, area, shape, length, orientation, altitude and other characteristics. These results refine and supplement international databases on permafrost and glacial landscapes of the Baikal region.
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