Influence of the Regional Environment on Disability in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia


  • Nikolai I. Bozhkov Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
  • Dmitry Yu. Didenko European University at St. Petersburg
  • Anatolii I. Chistobaev St. Petersburg State University



people with disabilities, disability, health protection, medical geography, social policy


The aim of this article is to identify the level of influence of individual parameters of the regional environment on the disability of the population in the subjects of the Russian Federation included in the Northwestern Federal District. Disability is understood as an increase in the proportion of persons with disabilities in the population due to the increase in disabling pathologies and negative impacts of the regional environment leading to disability. The following factors of the regional environment were selected: life expectancy at birth, population morbidity, the volume of emissions into the atmosphere, investment in fixed capital, the number of population per hospital bed, the number of registered economic crimes. Statistical method of research: panel linear regression analysis. Time interval of the study: 2014-2020. It is established that the only independent variable explaining the dynamics of the number of disabled people in the second group of disability is the number of population per hospital bed, the life expectancy at birth is in the third group. The necessity of developing a social policy for each disability group is substantiated.

Author Biographies

Nikolai I. Bozhkov, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Ph.D. Student, Higher School of Hospitality, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University,
Kaliningrad, Russia

Dmitry Yu. Didenko, European University at St. Petersburg

Ph.D. student, Department of Political Science, European University at St. Petersburg,
St. Petersburg, Russia

Anatolii I. Chistobaev, St. Petersburg State University

Dr. Sci. in Geography, Prof., Department of Regional Policy & Political Geography, St. Petersburg State University,
St. Petersburg, Russia


Список источников

О признании лица инвалидом: Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации № 588 от 05.04.2022. Электронный ресурс. URL: View/0001202204080035 (дата обращения: 07.06.2022).

Портал правовой статистики. Электронный ресурс. URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2022).

Статистический портал «Если быть точным». Электронный ресурс. URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2022).

Федеральная служба государственной статистики. Электронный ресурс. URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2022).

Федеральный реестр инвалидов. Электронный ресурс. URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2022).

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Abstract views: 72




How to Cite

Bozhkov, N. I., Didenko, D. Y., & Chistobaev, A. I. (2023). Influence of the Regional Environment on Disability in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia. Regional Geosystems, 47(4), 493-506.



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