Estimating the Spectral-Reflectance Parameters of Crops Located in Different Growing Conditions
winter wheat, soil conditions, slope exposure, NDVI, Central Russian UplandAbstract
Estimating the influence of growing conditions on crop reflectance parameters is necessary for the development of approaches to the monitoring of arable land. The article presents the results of assessing the NDVI vegetation index for winter crops located on different types and subtypes of soils and on slopes of different exposures in the south of the Central Russian Upland. Soil type has a statistically significant effect on the winter crop vegetation index values. Crops located on chernozems are characterized by higher NDVI values than crops on gray forest soils during full period of active vegetation, from mid-April to the end of June. This feature characterizes crops on the slopes of northern and southern exposures. NDVI values of crops averaged over the period of active vegetation (from April to June) on chernozems are 3–4 % higher than on gray forest soils. NDVI values, averaged over the active vegetation period are higher of 2–3 % for winter crops on the south-facing slopes than for crops on the north-facing slopes. Winter wheat crops during the maximum vegetation index values are characterized by a decreasing NDVI in the series of soil subtypes "gray forest soils – dark gray forest soils – leached chernozems – podzolized chernozems – typical chernozems".
Acknowledgements: This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of State Assignment No. FZWG-2023-0011.
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