Ecological-Economic Substantiation of Geographical Regulatory Priorities of Land Use Territorial Structure in Samara Region


  • Elena V. Samokhvalova Samara State Agrarian University
  • Pavel V. Klyushin State University of Land Management



land use territorial structure, geographic regulatory priorities, land degradation, anthropogenic load, ecological and economic analysis


The article substantiates the need to establish geographical priorities based on the assessment of the ecological and economic state of the territory in order to address the issues of regulating the territorial structure of land use. A spatial analysis of the anthropogenic load impact on natural environment and the distribution of rural population density in the administrative and land-assessment districts of the Samara region was carried out. The results of assessing the land degradation degree depending on the scale and severity of land damage, ranking areas according to the potential effectiveness of land use greening measures and modeling the phased regulation of the territorial structure of land use are presented. It is planned to gradually reduce the degree of degradation to an average level in three stages. Areas of priority land use regulation at each stage are determined by the degree of land degradation. It has been established that at the end of all three stages, the degree of degradation in the region will decrease by 5.75 %, the ecological danger of degradation will decrease by almost 15 %, the economic efficiency of measures to optimize the territorial structure of agriculture on a landscape basis will be 932 rubles/ha, or about 3.7 million rubles per year on a regional scale (in prices as of 01.01.2023).

Author Biographies

Elena V. Samokhvalova, Samara State Agrarian University

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor of Land Management and Forestry Department, Samara State Agrarian University, Kinel, Russia

Pavel V. Klyushin, State University of Land Management

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of Economics and Real Estate Management Department, State University of Land Management, Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Samokhvalova, E. V., & Klyushin, P. V. (2023). Ecological-Economic Substantiation of Geographical Regulatory Priorities of Land Use Territorial Structure in Samara Region. Regional Geosystems, 47(3), 406-416.



Earth Sciences