Comprehensive Assessment of Flood Risks in the Jewish Autonomous Region


  • Alexandra S. Livenets Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems, Far Eastern Branch



flood, risk, vulnerability, vulnerability index, exposure index, Jewish Autonomous Region


The territories of the Amur River basin are among the most prone to flooding in the south of the Russian Far East, including the Jewish Autonomous Region (JAR). For more than 120 years of observations, catastrophic floods in this area were recorded in 17 % of the years, including in the years 2013 and 2019. A comprehensive flood risk assessment consists of two components: exposure or natural hazard (physical factors) and vulnerability (socio-economic factors). The integrated risk assessment method was developed and used by the UN to assess the risk index for different countries. The same method was used at the local levels for the regions of Russia and municipalities of the Krasnodar Krai. The purpose of this study is a comprehensive assessment of flood risks for the districts and the city of Birobidzhan of the Jewish Autonomous Region. The index of vulnerability of the population of the JAR to floods was calculated earlier. In this study, based on data on the flooding of the territories of the region, the index of the population's exposure to floods was calculated. Further, on the basis of the obtained indices, an integral flood risk index was calculated for each district of the region and the city of Birobidzhan. The data obtained make it possible to assess the situation in individual administrative-territorial units and, based on them, make decisions on the priority of assistance in emergency situations and the allocation of funding for the elimination of consequences.


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Author Biography

Alexandra S. Livenets, Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems, Far Eastern Branch

Junior Researcher of the  Laboratory of Regional Social-Economical Research, Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems FEB RAS,
Birobidzhan, Russia


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How to Cite

Livenets, A. S. (2023). Comprehensive Assessment of Flood Risks in the Jewish Autonomous Region. Regional Geosystems, 47(2), 296-305.



Earth Sciences