Synergetics of Agroforestry Systems


  • Vladimir M. Ivonin Novocherkassk Engineering and Land Reclamation Institute – branch of the Don State Agrarian University



protective forest plantations, forest belt, agroforest land reclamation, system, synergy of agroforestry, corporate behavior of elements


Separate protective forest plots, their simple and complex systems and supersystems represent a hierarchy of agroforestry systems formed by a combination of biotic, bioinertic and technical elements. The unity of simple systems is ensured by the energy flowing in from outside and the energy of the corporate behavior of the elements. The unity of complex systems is based on the energy flows of neighboring autonomous systems. The supersystem combines complex systems of agroforestry through a natural tree-like hydrographic network and intersystem "nodes" of forests, meadows, pastures, and other natural complexes, whose divergent flows of matter, energy, and information overlap subordinate structures. Thus, a relatively stable structure of the agroforestry reclamation supersystem of the region is spontaneously formed, the attractor of which is aimed at the radical improvement of agricultural lands. The stability of this structure is determined by changes in its composition of the ratio of arable land, hayfields and pastures, forests and open water surface. Arable land destabilizes the stability of the supersystem; hayfields, pastures, forests and open water contribute to stabilization. The synergistic effects of any agroforestry system are determined by the energy intensity of the fields of reclamation impact (ecotone zones, "wind shadows", zones of reclamation influence, geochemical barriers, etc.). These effects may decrease or disappear with the degradation or collapse of agroforestry systems caused by anthropogenic errors or variations in the relationship of chaos and order under climatic stresses.

Author Biography

Vladimir M. Ivonin, Novocherkassk Engineering and Land Reclamation Institute – branch of the Don State Agrarian University

professor of the Department of Forestry and Forest Reclamation


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How to Cite

Ivonin, V. M. (2023). Synergetics of Agroforestry Systems. Regional Geosystems, 47(1), 62-75.



Earth Sciences