To change of the landscape-climate conditionands in the lower part of the Kura depression in the early and middle neopleistocene


  • Eldar V. Muradly Institute of Geography named after acad. G.A. Aliyev



climate, landscapes, sediments composition, mineralogical composition, Neopleistocene, palynology, Mishovdag section, lower part of the Kura depression


According to the results of the analysis of the sediments composition of deposits in the Mishovdag section, were identified ten stages of changing the conditions of accumulation of precipitation. These stages are compared with seven palynologycal zones (there is no information for the end of the Early-Middle Baku and middle parts of the Early Khazar centuries) changes in vegetation and landscapes along the same section during the early and middle Neopleistocene characterize four warm and six cold climatic periods with varying degrees of moisture. In the Early Neopleistocene (Lower Baku horizon) a threefold change in climatic conditions is recorded: moderately warm and humid; cold and wet; relatively cold and humid. On the average Neopleistocene (Khazar horizon), four climatic periods are distinguished from the spore-pollen spectra of the Mishovdag section – two relatively warm and two cold. The most harsh climateconditions are observed during the formation of deposits of the upper part of the Lower Baku horizon with the lowest values of the sustainability coefficient (0.35–1.5), (Don glaciation, Mindel). In the foothills, birch-hop-hornbeam woodlands grew. The highest values of the sustainability coefficient (9–10) for the section are noted for deposits of the Poilu layers (Likhvin interglacial, Mindel-Riss) – landscapes of deciduous forest with boreal elements and in the time of the formation of the Upper Khazar horizon (Mikulin interglacial, Riss-Wurm) – landscapes of deciduous forest. Both stages are characterized by high values of temperature, but different humidification mode.


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Author Biography

Eldar V. Muradly, Institute of Geography named after acad. G.A. Aliyev

dissertator Paleogeography de-partment of the Institute of Geography named after acad. G.A. Aliyev National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan


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How to Cite

Muradly, E. V. (2020). To change of the landscape-climate conditionands in the lower part of the Kura depression in the early and middle neopleistocene. Regional Geosystems, 44(2), 152-163.



Earth Sciences