Recreational Potential as a Factor of Formation Tourist Image of the Territory: Features of Bryansk Region
tourism, tourist image, recreational potential, natural potential, cultural and historical potential, infrastructure, attractor, regionAbstract
The role of a positive tourist image of the country's subjects in the process of implementing the state policy of stimulating domestic tourism is increasing. Its development is influenced by heterogeneous factors. Despite the intensification of the study of this problem, insufficient attention is still paid to its regional aspect. The purpose of this work is a complex analysis of the recreational potential as the basic foundation for the formation of the tourist image of the modeling Bryansk region of Central Russia. Systemic, territorial, behavioral scientific approaches of research are applied. The main peculiarities of the structuring of the tourist image of the subject according to the cognitive model of spatial representations are highlighted. The characteristic features of the natural, cultural and historical, social and economic potentials of the territory affecting its basic geographical «layer» are revealed. The article considers the specificity of other «layers» and the importance of resources in their development for deepening the presentation of the region. The features of the regional identity in the tourist image through the perception of it by the population are defined. The leading problems and directions of forming a positive image as an important element in the implementation of tourism policy are reflected.
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