Belligerent-Volcanic and Ornithogenic Geosystems of Central Kurils Islands


  • Andrey N. Ivanov Lomonosov Moscow State University



Island, landscape, structure, volcano, belligerent complexes, marine colonial birds


The formation of unusual belligerent-volcanic and ornithogenic geosystems of Central Kuriles is discussed. Matua is a volcanic island located in the central part of the Kurile-Kamchatka island arc. Its greater northwestern part is occupied by the edifice of Sarychev Peak Volcano, which is one of the most active volcanoes in the Kuriles. The south-eastern part of the island is an ancient abrasion-accumulative terrace, which base is formed by weakly dislocated pliocene-eopleistocene volcanic-aqueous complexes overlapped with marine deposits and solid soil-pyroclastic cover. Periodical large-scale input of pyroclastics and lava is a background for the Matua island evolution. A model of the nuclear system with a core within the volcano crater has been developed. According to the degree of volcano’s influence on natural complexes three zones have been identified, i.e. strong, medium and moderate. The main components of volcano’s impact are lava and pyroclastic flows, pyroclastic waves, tephra fallout, and gas emissions. It was found that in the modern period the volcano is the main system-forming factor for the majority of natural complexes of the island. Matua Island is an area with a unique anthropogenic landscape shaped by the Japan army as a result of the construction of elaborated military fortifications in the first half of the 20th century. The main kinds of Japanese fortification constructions and their relationship with the landscape structure are examined. Conclusion is made that the belligerent-volcanic landscape of the island is unique for Russia. Formation of specific ornithogenic geosystems within the areas of concentration of colonial seabirds is discussed. The small Tufted Puffin island is an object of research. Relatively short-term (only during the nesting period) but century-lasting impact of rookeries results in the changes of upper part of the lithogenic basis, formation of specific microrelief and soil and vegetation complex, abnormal chemical composition of surface water.


The work was done under the state-financed theme "Factors and processes of spatialtemporal organization of natural an anthropogenic landscapes". Number CITIS 121051300176-1.


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Author Biography

Andrey N. Ivanov, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science of the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Ivanov, A. N. (2022). Belligerent-Volcanic and Ornithogenic Geosystems of Central Kurils Islands. Regional Geosystems, 46(4), 477-487.



Earth Sciences