Reproduction of Chernozem Profile under Varying Degrees of Disturbance by Military Actions
belligerative landscapes, disturbance of soil cover, soil reproduction, humus horizon, ecological rehabilitation, Belgorod region, Kursk BattleAbstract
Military operations lead to various disturbances of the soil cover, the reproduction of which depends on the degree of disturbance/preservation of the soil profile. In this regard, belligerative landscapes are informative objects for studying the processes of soil reproduction. The article discusses the results of chernozem in the area of the Kursk Battle (1943), which was disturbed during the construction of the escarpment. A relationship has been established between the degree of preservation of the soil profile, which is the precursor of a new stage of pedogenesis, and the thickness of the newly formed humus horizon. This indicator of newly formed soils varies from 10 to 20 cm depending on the degree and method of disturbance of the previous soil. The contents of mobile forms of NPK have the greatest differences. With varying degrees of cutting of the soil profile, the variant of applicative reproduction is implemented, and it is more effective on the residual humus horizon (A + AB), compared to the middle one (Bh,ca). The humus material redeposited during the formation of the embankment also contributes to the intensive regeneration of the humus horizon. The presented facts and regularities can be used in managing the processes of natural soil reproduction in anthropogenically disturbed geosystems.
Acknowledgments: The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 20-67-46017.
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