Assessment of the influence of modern climate change in the natural zones of the Republic of Bashkortostan
climate change, air temperature, precipitation, humidificationAbstract
Climate plays an important role in the formation of the landscape and its dynamics. Modern climatic changes in the regions affect the transformation of some landscape components. The issue of the influence of global warming on changes in natural-climatic processes in natural zones has not been suffi-ciently studied at a regional scale. The article discusses some of the consequences of changing climatic indicators of the temperature-humidity regime in the natural zones of the Republic of Bashkortostan. For the analysis, the period 1966–2015 is used. Bashkortostan is located on the border of the East European Plain and the South Urals. Complicated orography affects the strong differentiation of climatic indicators and the formation of natural zones (and subzones) in its plain and mountainous parts. Global warming leads to changes in climatic conditions in natural zones. The study revealed changes in temperature conditions – an increase in air temperature in all months. The increase in air temperature in the natural zones of the republic has a different speed. In seasonal precipitation, opposite trends are observed. The amount of pre-cipitation in the cold period increases, while in the warm period it decreases. The change in the heat and moisture supply of the natural zones of the republic during the study period affects the change in the dates of a stable transition of air temperature through 0, 5, 10, 15 °C in spring and autumn. Climate softening in the republic leads to an increase in the warm and summer period, which affects the increase in the potential of the tree stand. The revealed changes in climatic conditions in the Republic of Bashkortostan affect the dynamics of natural processes. The results of the study can be used in relevant organizations and depart-ments (Ministry of Agriculture, Higher Education and Science, etc.).
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