The Study Agricultural Land Use in Middle Selenga River of the Basin (a Case Study of the Republic of Buryatia)
abandoned farmlands, efficiency of return to agricultural turnover, ecological state, alternative possibilities of using abandoned farmlandsAbstract
This study seeks to identify the distinctive features in agricultural land use in middle Selenga River of the basin. The recultivation of some abandoned farmlands could unlock the untapped agricultural potential. For the most part, the studies differ in their sectoral approach, consider individual processes of casting or putting fallow lands into agricultural circulation. We attempted a comprehensive study of the abandoned farmlands of the within the middle Selenga River bassin (Republic of Buryatia) and the effectiveness of their reinvention. The study of vegetation, agrochemical and agrophysical of the main indicators of arable soil horizons of key areas of abandoned arable land are given. Phytocenotic diversity and features of space-time organization of plant communities of former arable and currently natural forage areas have been identified. To assess the effectiveness of alternative use of abandoned farmlands and assess the ecological functions performed by them, the state of tree-shrub vegetation has been studied. In arid climates, when it takes decades to form woody-shrub vegetation, the soils of abandoned farmlands can become an alternative source of carbon deposition. The state of most forest belts (drying) does not allow them to effectively store carbon. Geobotanical studies have shown a negligible number of Red Book plants in the study areas. Hunting and fishing resources were not formed on abandoned farmlands, due to the young age of woody vegetation and its small area, located mainly along the outskirts of former arable land. Therefore, the main ecological function of abandoned farmlands is the function of recycling organic carbon and storing it in the upper layers of the soil. We consider it expedient not to involve fallow lands in arable circulation, but to leave abandoned farmlands to fulfill their environmental functions of carbon deposition.
Acknowledgment: This work was funded by budget research work of Baikal institute of Natural Management No. АААА-А21-121012190055-7, ААА-А21-121011990023-1.
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