The Study of Soil Humus Content in Agrochronological Series Using Ground-Based Tools and Remote Sensing Data
soil fertility, Landsat, monitoring land, humus, forest-steppe, organic matter, humus reservesAbstract
Extensive implementation of Earth remote sensing data has substantially increased the ability to research and evaluate natural resources. The limited experience of the combined use of historical-cartographic and remote research methods to study the humus content of the developed gray forest soils involved in plowing in different historical periods requires further study of these approaches. The proposed article presents the results of studies to identify the dependence of the image tone on the content and reserves of organic matter of the gray forest soils used for agriculture in the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation, obtained on the basis of the analysis of Landsat satellite data and information on the data of ground observations of the humus state of the soils of the region. Based on the analysis of the image of the open surface of arable gray forest soils the dependence of the image tone on the content and reserves of humus was studied. The data obtained allow us to conclude that with automated interpretation of soils from satellite images, the analysis of the tone space of the open surface of arable soils from the content and reserves of organic matter shows a high correlation.
Appreciation. The author expresses gratitude to the scientific supervisor, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Chendev Yu.G. for the advisory support at all stages of conducting this research.
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