Geographic Representation of Landscape Diversity in the Botanical Gardens and Arboretums of Armenia
landscape diversity, botanical garden, arboretum, forest park, geographical representationAbstract
The article presents the geographic diversity of landscape biodiversity in botanical gardens, arboretums and parks of the Republic of Armenia. The landscape diversity of Armenia is due to several factors: geographical location, large differences in relative heights over a short distance, complex topography, the fact that the country's territory is located at the junction of two sharply different floristic provinces: the mesophilic forest Ponto-Hircan and the xerophilic Iranian. The landscape diversity of Armenia is represented in the botanical garden of Yerevan and its two regional branches: Vanadzor and Sevan, as well as in 4 arboretums: Stepanavan “Sochut”, Berd “Soranner”, Vanadzor “named after Sarukhanyan Zh.” and Ijevan subtropical. On the territory of Armenia, in addition to the botanical gardens and arboretums, there is a single forest park complex named “Jrvezh”, located on the northern outskirts of the city of Yerevan. Despite the importance of botanical gardens and arboretums in the conservation and enrichment of the dendro-diversity of Armenia, not all altitudinal landscape zones, as well as steppe, friganoid, subalpine, alpine, and other plant formations, that are typical for Armenia, represented in botanical gardens, arboretums and in the “Jrvezh” forest park complex. On the other hand, the creation of new bot gardens and arboretums is more in line with the international obligations of the Republic of Armenia under the Paris Climate Treaty, which provides for an increase in the forest cover of Armenia to 20.1 % by 2050.
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