Geoecological model for predicting degradation and restoration of the relief of military landfills
terrain degradation, military ranges, aviation ranges, sustainability of ecological systems, entropy approach, Ferhulst modelAbstract
Military activity causes enormous damage to the environment both in peacetime and in wartime. Unlike chemical and physical pollution of environmental objects as a result of exercises, combat operations, and testing of new weapons, the impact of military activity on changing the landscapes of quite extensive and diverse territories has not been sufficiently investigated. The purpose of this work is to build a geoecological entropy model for assessing and predicting the level of environmental degradation of the relief of the territories of aviation polygons (using the example of the «Pogonovo» landfill, Voronezh). On the basis of the universal entropy model, a methodology for assessing and predicting the degradation and restoration of the relief of military ranges has been developed. The paper shows that the laws of distribution of ecological quantities are not purely random, but quasi-deterministic, therefore, additive addition of entropies of various subsystems is possible only in the case of identical laws of their distribution. With the help of the developed methodology, an assessment of the development of the ecological situation at the «Pogonovo» landfill was carried out. It is established that the ecological system located on the border of the norm-risk ranks is restored to an absolutely stable level of 0.995 for 30 years after the cessation of anthropogenic impact. With the intensification of the landfill activity to the level of average risk, the level of stability will decrease to 0,62 in 10 years. The upper limit of the stability of the geoecological system is observed when the area of the funnels is equal to half the area of the landfill; this state is equilibrium when anthropogenic impact ceases. If the system is in the area of a compensable crisis, then when the landfill activity ceases, the system spontaneously returns to the rank of environmental risk after 100 years, then remains in an equilibrium state. When a chaotic state of the system (bifurcation) occurs, the formation of a gully-beam relief occurs, then the forecast of development and self-healing of the system is impossible.
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