Morphological diversity of the upper reaches of the Desna River
macromeanders, factors of the riverbed process, morphologically homogeneous flow segments, geological and geomorphological structure of the valley, upper course of the Desna riverAbstract
The article describes the morphological diversity of the upper reaches of the Desna River at the level of large sections of the current. The catchment area and the valley of the Desna River is distinguished by a great variety of relief and geological structure, which is manifested both in modern riverbed processes and the morphology of the riverbed. It is noted that the epochs of high costs can be traced in the configuration of the modern channel, and the most studied consequence of high costs is the formation of macromeanders. Large, morphologically homogeneous sections of the current are considered as the level of organization of the forms of riverbed relief. It is assumed that morphological differences reflect the influence of individual factors on the intensity and direction of riverbed processes. At the same time, the methodological foundations of the study of this level of riverbed relief are considered schematically in the domestic and foreign literature. The article presents the results of studying morphologically homogeneous segments of the upper reaches of the Desna River. The methodological foundations of the identification and description of large sections of the flow as a level of organization of the channel relief are given. The great importance of geological and geomorphological factors in the isolation of morphologically homogeneous sections of the riverbed, including in epochs of expenditures significantly exceeding modern values, is substantiated. The information about the morphological characteristics of large sections of the flow is presented, their typology is given. The mechanisms of the influence of the structure of the valley and the catchment area on the isolation of morphologically homogeneous flow segments are consider.
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