Investigations of fine particles concentrations in the atmospheric air of residential areas of the city of Belgorod
The reported research was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the government of the Belgorod Oblast of the Russian Federation, grant No.18-45-310008
Belgorod, air pollution, fine particles, monitoring, dust, РМ10, РМ2.5, TSPAbstract
This paper presents the results of instrumental determination of fine suspended particles in atmospheric air on the territory of the residential areas of the city of Belgorod. Measurements were made using the DustTrak 8520 laser analyzer. The ratio PM10 : PM2.5 : TSP – 0,57 : 0,28 : 1,0 was obtained. It was found that the proportion of particles of the PM10 fraction in the sum of solid particles is from 55,1 to 58,6 %, PM2.5 – 25,5–32,4 %. The maximum single surface concentrations of fine particles were not found to exceed the maximum permissible concentration (MPC). The MPC exceeded the average daily and average annual surface concentrations of RM10 and PM2.5 (up to 2,2 MPC). It is recommended to perform dust monitoring at stationary posts in full with 4-time sampling and continuous monitoring using automatic devices for determining fine fractions of suspended particles, as well as work to establish the permissible contributions of enterprises to air pollution with fine particles. The obtained data may be used to calculate the risks to public health from exposure to construction materials industry objects and to objectively assess the content of fine suspended particles in cities where monitoring for PM10 and PM2.5 in atmospheric air is not carried out.
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