Spatial Sequence “Outer Wood Chernozem – Gray Forest Soil in Forest” as a Model of the Late Holocene Evolution of Soils within the Broadleaf-Forest Landscape of the Forest-Steppe


  • Yury G. Chendev Belgorod National Research University
  • Tatyana L. Salova Belgorod National Research University
  • Valeriy G. Belevantsev Belgorod National Research University



forest-steppe, Central Russian Upland, chernozems, gray forest soils, Late Holocene, evolution of soils


In the forest-steppe of the center of the East European Plain (Belgorod oblast), within flat watershed the profiles of leached chernozem on the natural border of forest and meadow-steppe land and  dark gray forest soil in an oak forest (20 m from the forest edge) were studied. The parent materials are the mantled brown carbonate clays. In the profile of the gray forest soil, signs of the chernozem stage of soil formation had been preserved (inclusions of passages of steppe shrews – mole rats, the second humus horizon as a residual part of the humus profile of the paleochernozem). The studied spatial sequence of soils is proposed to be considered as a model of the Late Holocene evolution of soils as a result of the advance of the forest on the steppe. The direction of changes in time of a number of soil-forming processes as a result of the evolutionary transformation of chernozem into gray forest soil has been identified. It is suggested that in the forest-steppe of the south of the Central Russian Upland, as a result of Late Holocene moistening and cooling of climate, the settlement of forest vegetation in the watershed areas of the steppes primarily occurred on clay soil-forming substrates that were ecologically favorable for the forest. The atmospheric precipitation stagnant on them could be more productively used by root systems of trees compared to other soil-forming rocks.


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Author Biographies

Yury G. Chendev, Belgorod National Research University

Doctor of Science (Geography), Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Natural Resources and Land Cadastre, Institute of Earth Sciences, Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

Tatyana L. Salova, Belgorod National Research University

PhD student, Department of Geography, geoecology and life safety, Institute of Earth Sciences, Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

Valeriy G. Belevantsev, Belgorod National Research University

Assistant Professor of Department of Natural Resources and Land Cadastre, Institute of Earth Sciences, Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Chendev, Y. G., Salova, T. L., & Belevantsev, V. G. (2022). Spatial Sequence “Outer Wood Chernozem – Gray Forest Soil in Forest” as a Model of the Late Holocene Evolution of Soils within the Broadleaf-Forest Landscape of the Forest-Steppe. Regional Geosystems, 46(2), 156-172.



Earth Sciences